About Us

CIS Research Group is part of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Catania, Italy. Its research is focused on the area of Optimization in general through the use of Metaheuristics and Machine Learning methodologies.

The main research applications are addressed to the research areas of network science, combinatorial optimization, computational biology and collective behavior.

Currently the CIS group involves 2 professors; 1 fixed-term assistant professor; 4 PhD students; 3 external collaborations; and several students between bachelor's degree and MSc.

The faculty members serve as lecturers at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science for a number of Undergraduate and Graduate Courses in Computer Science, such as Artificial Intelligence; Heuristics & Metaheuristics for Optimization and Learning; Operating Systems; Discrete Structures; and Randomized Algorithms.



Research Seminars


The international research seminars organized by the CIS lab will start in October 2024, and will be listed soon. The seminars will be held mainly in remote way.

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Group Seminars


The scheduling of the seminars held by each member for the new academic year will be listed early.

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MESS 2024 - Metaheuristics Summer School, "Automated Deep Learning meets High-Performance Computing", 15-18 July 2024, Catania, Italy

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June 26, 2024

Congratulations to Carolina Crespi, member of CIS lab, for the excellent defense of her PhD thesis entitled "From Ants to Crowds: Harnessing Competition for Optimization".

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